

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014


jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

Bangkok’s ‘Mexican’ Gangsters

In this video we can see how thai gangsters feel identified with another subculture that is far away from them, but that situaation is not a problem for them to express their conformity with a different style.The fact of being like Mexicans gansters it doesn't mean that they are the same.for example thai gangster don't use the violence neither work  illegally as mexicans gansters do.The aspect that they have most in common is physical appearance and clothes style.finally, i think that we have to see the gangsters life from their point of view, not being ethnocentric with those subcultures.

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014


The circumstances experienced by afrocolombians are  depressing, it can not be possible that in this subculture only 2 afros out of 100  achieved a college education.the video show us that 76 % of afrocolombian are poor and that  the  42 % are unemployed.
In order to finish  with racial segregation, people have to act and make a change in the those cases that attempted to human dignity. An example showed on the video is the observatory of racial discrimination, if goverment show more opportunities to analize, to bring solutions and to solve the daily cases of racial segreagation, the rality would be different.

lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

 Hi! i'm German Vanegas a 17 years old guy.I'm from Barranquilla,Colombia a city full of happyness and excelent people.I'm studying industrial engineer at uninorte.
I like to do sports and also to hangout with friends.Throughout this blog you will know my likes and dislikes.